The medical use of marijuana is becoming more and more common and one of the best ways for people who don't smoke to do so is through cooking; in this article we will make cannabutter.
Marijuana made with butter can help soothe certain physical aches and pains, and in particular, induces a state of relaxation.
Although most users of this type of butter seek its therapeutic effect in the fight against certain diseases, there are many people in other states where it is legalised or decriminalised who consume it for purely recreational purposes.
Only try this recipe if you have your own plants or if you have legal weed of safe origin. We do not recommend cooking, let alone eating, black market products as we do not know what may be in them and they may be harmful to your health.
Ingredients and utensils for the Cannabutter
- 50 grams of butter (no margarine)
- 5/10 grams of dried marijuana leaves or 5 grams of inflorescences
- Water
- One large pot
- A smaller pot so that it can be cooked in a "bain-marie".
- A small spatula
- A small plastic cup
- Put the flowers, leaves and butter in the small saucepan.
- Put the small saucepan into the bain-marie cooking pot and put water into the large pot.
- Cook in a bain-marie for at least 30/40 minutes until the butter is completely melted.

Melt the butter and stir until the butter turns a deep, uniform green.
Strain the butter through a fine mesh and place it in a resealable jar while it is being drained.

Put the container in the fridge and leave it to cool for 6 hours. It can then be consumed.

Some common mistakes we make!
We will look at some common mistakes that are usually made when cooking with marijuana.
This way you will have a good result and won't lose anything.
For both butter and oil, the colour of the infusion is not an indicator of cooking time.
Although it is an important feature it doesn't mean anything, as you need a cooking time for the active ingredients of the cannabis to transfer to the food. The more quantities we use, the longer the cooking time.
You must also always cook on a low heat the whole time.
THC can evaporate
This may sound silly, but it's not. If you cook marijuana, particularly with butter-based recipes, use a cap.
It is very important in the middle phase of cooking to cover it so that no steam escapes with some of the CBD or THC or the rest of the substances in the cannabis.
Pay attention to the temperature!
The temperature is one of the key points for the success of marijuana butter. The right temperature for cooking marijuana is just before it starts to boil.
We will realise this because bubbles will start to emerge.
If the water in the bain-marie pan boils, we will be making another mistake, perhaps the marijuana will burn and leave a bad taste in our mouths when we consume it.
Boil over a low heat and cook in a bain-marie, this is important!

There are several recipes you can develop with cannabis butter such as brownies, biscuits, space cakes and even marijuana oreos.